Modern Classroom Certified Trainer® (MCCT)


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Facilitating a course in the modern classroom can be an intimidating prospect for those who have never taught before. Even if you have taught before, facilitating a course that involves the use of technology for delivery can be a complex and daunting task. Using a video-based, self-paced format, the course material emphasizes tools and techniques for presenting in a remote or hybrid delivery environment. Altogether Learning Academy, via Altogether Marketing LLC, is proud to offer this training because of our relationship with Logical Operations|Choice.

A reference study guide included with this course will help you prepare for all aspects of delivering in the modern classroom, including the art of facilitating a learning event, class preparation techniques, course delivery in various modes including asynchronous and virtual delivery, and troubleshooting the technology required in the modern classroom.

The study guide also covers the complete objectives to help you prepare for the Logical Operations Modern Classroom Certified Trainer (MCCT) Exam. Access to the exam/assessment, along with the study guide and other course materials, will be provided to enrollees under separate email after registration and payment.  This is a virtual instructor-led course.